Some posts over the last few days from people who used their camera phones to catch flashers on the New York subway - two women used their photo phones to catch an old school trenchcoat flasher post act and a scarily 'normal looking' guy mid act [NSFW]. Ug.
The act of catching and 'revealing' the revealers is potentially very powerful in reclaiming social spaces, especially in such dis-jointed societies as New York. Reading through the posts, especially on the flickr image, gives a great overview on the different aspects of this type of action. Is it a positive thing? Will it lead to this guy being caught? Or will it lead to this guy being attacked by roaming mobs before it's ascertained that he has a mental condition and needs help rather than a beating? Either way it enabled these two woman to regain their own sense of personal power after someone had impinged on their space.
On this subject - check out the 'Participatory Panoptican' talk given by Jamais Cascio.